
definition of error

An unwanted effect or consequence of a certain action is called an error.. It must be distinguished from that caused with intention, insofar as this circumstance compromises the free will of the person causing it. On the contrary, the error is not due to a deliberate search but constitutes an accident.

In our passage through this world we tend to incur numerous times in unfavorable situations due to lack of warning or mere inexperience.. These events should serve to motivate our learning. In addition, there are cases in which an error, which at first seemed to have negative consequences, ended up being of great use to humanity. A famous case is that of the scientist Alexander Fleming, when one of the colonies of pathogenic bacteria with which he experimented was contaminated by a fungus; Fleming found that in the surroundings of this fungus the bacteria died mysteriously; This accidental discovery spelled the birth of penicillin.

Of course, not all situations caused by mistake have such benign consequences; many, on the contrary, are extremely unfortunate. It is enough to mention the traffic accidents that cause numerous deaths every year in all the countries of the world. Unfortunately, they will always exist to a greater or lesser extent and it would be naive to believe that they can be completely eliminated.

As we have already advanced, the only attitude that can be taken towards the mistakes we make daily is to learn from them in order to avoid them in the future or to try to get a favorable effect from them for ourselves or for third parties. For this, it is necessary to recognize that we are fallible as well as perfectible. In addition, it is important to avoid excessive severity with the same failures that we perceive in others, it is fair to recognize when they are accidental and unintentional. It is certainly the smartest attitude.

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