
definition of compensation

The concept that concerns us in this review is widely used in our language, especially in the field of law, to designate the economic compensation that a person who feels they have been harmed either in the labor, moral or economic plane can demand .

Economic compensation received by a person who is proven to have been harmed morally, economically or labor

The compensation is the compensation given to a person as a result of damage received.

An individual is beaten by another, or injured, then, he appears in the corresponding courts to initiate a case against that person who attacked him, and then, if the fact is reliably proven, it is normal for the courts to decide on a reparation, popularly known as compensation, and consisting of cash.

The term is used mainly in the field of Law and allows through it to refer to the transaction that is carried out between a creditor or victim and a debtor or victimizer, that is, it is the compensation that an individual can demand and eventually receive as a consequence of having suffered damage, or failing that, due to any debt that another person or entity owes him.

The victim will ask for a specific sum of money, which must in some way be equivalent to the damage received or the gains or benefits that he would have received if the damage for which he became a victim had not occurred. For this matter is that generally in these cases we speak of compensation for damages.

Types of compensation

There are two types of compensation, which differ in terms of the type of damage produced.

On the one hand, the contractual indemnification, which will be requested by the creditor when there has been a breach of the regulations stipulated in a timely manner in a contract signed by him and by the debtor.

And then there is the non-contractual indemnification, which will take place when there is damage or harm to another person or property owned by the creditor and there is no contract.

When can it be claimed?

Compensation may not only be required when there is direct damage on the part of a debtor or an aggressor, but it may also be requested in the event of having a contract with an insurance company.

That is, it is common for people to insure some of their most precious personal assets, such as houses, cars, against imponderables such as theft, collisions, or even fires; By paying a monthly fee to an insurance company, the client will have their personal assets protected against the succession of any of the aforementioned contingencies, then, if any of these claims occurs, compensation may be requested from the contracted company, which must compensate the damage suffered according to the conditions signed in the contract concluded in a timely manner.

On the other hand, the term sounds a lot in the field of labor to designate the compensation that an employee usually demands who is fired without any compelling reason, for example, he may demand the payment of compensation, which it will be closely related to the number of years, months or days worked.

Labor law is plagued with this type of case of people who worked in a job and suddenly from one day to the next and without a specific and timely cause are fired.

The laws of the whole world protect this situation of lack of protection in which the employee is dismissed and then it is possible to sue the employer, and in most cases the response is favorable, being able to collect compensation under the conditions stipulated by law.

People make extensive use of this resource proposed by law when they feel affected in some of their rights and in the contexts already mentioned.

In any case, we must say that on some occasions it is impossible to collect the evidence that allows proving the damage and for each case this must be taken into account before initiating any claim.

However, when all the reliable evidence is available to prove the commission of damage by another person or organization, it will be very easy to obtain a favorable opinion in court.

Lawyers are the professionals who are used to initiate these types of claims and those in charge of making all the presentations on behalf of their client.

Once the process is completed, you will receive a payment, normally, a stipulated part of what the victim will receive as compensation.

Also, the term indemnification is used to designate that with which damage is compensated.

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