
definition of rural community

The concept of rural community is the one that is applied to those types of populations that live in natural spaces and that depend on primary economies in which activities such as livestock or agriculture are main for the generation of food and other elements that will later be used for basic subsistence (such as fabrics or coats). Rural communities are usually still quite simple nowadays with regard to their quality of life, not counting on too much influence from technology (in most cases, with no influence) and in many cases maintaining fairly structures of thought. traditional.

A rural community can be essentially described as a group of people who live together in the same space and who carry out economic activities for the benefit of the members of the group, that is, to be used by themselves. The rural community is also a group of people who live in open and natural spaces such as the countryside and who maintain a close relationship with nature, flora and fauna, characteristics that urban centers have largely lost.

To better understand a rural community, we can also add that they are usually relatively small since they do not show a continuous trend towards demographic growth (as urban centers and large cities do), but rather show an ease towards it. demographic decline that can be generated by various causes (emigration in search of better living conditions, lack of resources to face diseases, etc.). However, it is estimated at the same time that those people who live in rural communities show less exposure to health complications typical of urban centers such as stress, pollution, violence, insecurity and many diseases characteristic of the modern lifestyle. as they can be different types of cancer.

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