
protocol definition

The term protocol encompasses several meanings, while the most familiar and commonly used by common people refers to the set of behaviors and rules that a person must observe and respect when moving in certain official areas, either due to a matter of special circumstance or because they hold a position that leads them to transit through these.

Generally, those people who hold an executive position of relevance in a country such as being a minister, a president or a diplomat must respect and take account of certain issues that concern not only good manners or issues related only to attitudes, but also to those things a little more frivolous such as clothing, but that in certain cultures or societies are strictly enforced and that will not go unnoticed at all in the eyes of those who respect and ask to respect the protocols.

For example, in those countries that have a form of monarchical government, the approach and the visit to the kings is surrounded and subject to a strict protocol that must be respected by the people who are invited to a meeting or celebration. in which the kings are the organizers. Although, of course, this situation also extends to the opposite case, because even when it is the king who visits another nation for some reason, the people who receive it must also be guided by the principles of the protocol that is in force at that time.

Although for many of us who are far from this type of situation it seems ridiculous or even almost eccentric to use the very rare hats that women must wear to attend a royal wedding in England, for them it is mandatory and extremely serious. failure to protocol ignore the regulations.

All this that I commented above in terms of the protocol that human relations must observe in more than official areas. However, there is also a protocol in other media in which all commoners move assiduously and that must also be respected and observed. For example, the social, political, academic, military and labor milieus have to respect other issues that have nothing to do with hats, but with respect and obedience to certain positions considered superior, such as the military. Indeed, in hierarchical organizations such as the armed or security forces, the structure of the Church and, to a lesser extent, the school network, respect for protocol is not only welcomed, but also specifically enforced. In a somewhat less accentuated way, the residences of health professionals in hospitals behave in a similar way.

In this sense, the word "protocol"It admits another meaning that is worth highlighting, and that is the one that corresponds to preclinical or clinical trials for the evaluation of a new drug or a new indication of a known drug. trials in English and usually referred to as "studies" in translations into our language, these protocols are a source of novel knowledge in health sciences and even in other disciplines such as psychology, sociology and other areas.

It is also preferred to call the sequence or organization of orders or data protocol. Consequently, there are computer protocols, evacuation protocols for a civil or commercial building, protocols for the initiation of various procedures, and another series of small-scale or national and even international assemblies. In this way, the protocol is a true polysemic concept, which must be interpreted in the correct setting and circumstance to achieve the most appropriate results.

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