
definition of lighthouse

The Lighthouse is a tall tower located on the coast or in the vicinity of it, where the navigation routes of the ships are arranged, which has a very powerful light source in its upper part whose mission is to guide at night to sailors during their voyages, that is, the main function of a lighthouse is to guide.

The mentioned lamp has fresnel lenses, which are lenses that are characterized by their large aperture and a short focal length and whose widths, color and separation will vary according to the lighthouse in question.

While the lighthouse is in operation in the dark, the aforementioned lamp emits beams of light that rotate to 360 degree. Then, from the distance in which the boats are, they will visualize not only the light of the lighthouse but also the colors and the intervals of light beams that it presents.

On the other hand, in addition to the light, some headlights have a siren system that on dense foggy days, when the light might not be perceived, it allows to emit warning sounds.

Although many of the new technologies, such as GPS, have diminished the importance of the entity of the lighthouse, it continues to retain the same utility, especially in areas of restricted water such as access channels, where keep navigating in reference to buoys and ground lights.

The lighthouse is a famous and useful element since Roman times, remembered is the Lighthouse of Alejandria and even this civilization knew how to build extremely tall towers at the entrance of the ports that somehow imitated the aforementioned Lighthouse of Alexandria. In the 19th century, the great leap in the quality of lighthouses would take place with the invention of the French physicist Agustin Fresnel that we mentioned above. Currently the headlights are operated remotely and automatically.

The oldest lighthouse in operation is that of the Tower of Hercules located on the peninsula of La Coruña, in Galicia; Its height is 68 meters, it dates from the 1st century and it is the only standing Roman lighthouse.

And the other use of the word is to refer to each of the headlights that the cars carry in their front part to illuminate their journey on the road.

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