
definition of self-denial

The one with the abnegation it's a Human behavior quite common in some people and characterized by voluntarily sacrificing those precious and desired issues on a personal level because it is known that through their sacrifice, good will be done to others, to others.

Self-sacrificing people put aside their personal interests such as forming a family in order to give that time that would be dedicated to the formation of a family, to the care and assistance of the poor, the sick or those most in need.

A daughter who gives up professional growth and marrying to care for her sick parents can be seen as a true and faithful display of self-denial.

Now, it is important that we mention that almost always such a sacrifice will be mobilized by an enormous love towards something, that is, the love that one feels for what one surrenders to is much greater and important than what one would stop doing. or that he is sacrificing himself.

Therefore, the concept of self-denial is closely related to issues such as solidarity, philanthropy, since it proposes the disinterested delivery of help or assistance to those who need it most and also with the religion, since in many points and aspects the religion demands on the part of its faithful or followers sacrifices that justly demonstrate the absolute dedication and commitment to it.

Meanwhile, we must mention that the motivations for self-denial usually oscillate between religion and philanthropy, although, we must not forget that there are some professions or occupations that demand total self-denial and almost absolute control of actions on the part of those who practice them. more untimely, among them we can highlight the security forces of a country, doctors, firefighters, nurses, among the most prominent.

Meanwhile, from the sidewalk in front of self-denial, we will find totally negative and reprehensible attitudes and behaviors when it comes to social coexistence as they are. indifference and selfishness.

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