
definition of seismograph

The seismograph it's a measuring element which is employed at the behest of a earthquake or earthquake to have a complete idea of ​​the proportion reached by the seismic waves that accompany them. It will provide us with very precise and exact information about the propagation and amplitude of waves. It is applied both in strong earthquakes as well as in small movements.

All earthquakes consist of waves that generate a brutal release of energy that are ultimately what generate the shaking of the tectonic plates.

In the middle of the 19th century, the Scottish physicist James Forbes surprises the world with his invention of the seismograph, an element that precisely made it possible to measure large earthquakes or small tremors caused by these waves.

The Forbes proposal was simpler than the current ones because it only consisted of a pendulum that remained immobile due to inertia during the shaking, while at the end it had a punch that did move with the shaking and then took care of recording on paper. all movements, generating a very specific written record of the degree of violence of the shaking.

This obviously made it possible to have a detailed knowledge of the earthquakes or earthquakes that occurred and classify them in terms of the greater or lesser virulence they presented.

Today, obviously with technology on our side, the proposal is electronic and very faithful and is based on the original Forbes proposal, although it is an electronic circuit that keeps the mass still while the earth shakes.

The great novelty that current seismographs bring is that they can determine the epicenter of the earthquake, both on land and in water, using specialized sensors.

As a consequence, seismographs are important allies of the seismology , which is the discipline that deals exclusively with studying earthquakes. Knowing the origin and the way in which the waves propagate will also be fundamental when it comes to preventing the devastating effects that earthquakes usually have and then in this sense seismology acts and uses all that element such as the seismograph that will help you in this crucial task.

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