
definition of prohibition

A prohibition is he impediment that exists to do, touch, do or use something because it involves risks to life and manipulation without knowledge can cause serious damage, or because there is a law that restricts it.

Veto that is imposed to do, use or touch something and that is supported by a norm, law or social consensus

Such a veto may be supported by a law, rule, or regulation, or it may not be written but have social support and respect.

For example, in the latter case we could cite those people with pets who take them out for a walk in squares or streets and do not raise their feces; In some countries there are fines but in others not, however, this situation is considered prohibited, that is, the pet owner must remove the faeces of his dog and discard it in a corresponding place such as the garbage can.

There is a convention and respect in this case that some comply strictly and others do not, while that consensus regarding that is wrong, is unhygienic and contrary to good coexistence not to lift the feces of a pet, allows and enables any person can draw attention to that careless individual who does not.

Avoid chaos and promote social harmony

So the role of the ban is provide limitations in the performance of certain actions in order to avoid chaos and achieve a harmonious coexistence among the people that make up a community, because if we could all do what we want in any place, it would be a problem since not all individuals are the same and surely what is right for someone is correct, for someone else it may not be, it can also annoy them and even interfere with their rights basic.

For example, painting the walls of a building, of a business, is usually a common practice of many people or groups, however, this is not good because it affects and damages the private property of some people.

For example, it is that in many parts of the world there is a norm that punishes precisely that action.

In public places is where we can mostly find the prohibitions, since when dealing with places that are visited or traveled by a large number and all kinds of people, it is necessary, to achieve order and avoid excesses, that there are specific prohibitions, written and posted for people to respect.

Among the most common we find the smoking ban, with the prohibition of passage to certain restricted areas, the prohibition of parking in garage entrances and exits, in the corners where there are ramps for the disabled, among other.

In public or private places where there are dangerous areas because sensitive tasks are carried out, or because toxic substances are handled, the entry of anyone outside these tasks is usually prohibited.

Posters and notices to warn the public what is prohibited

Thus it is common to see such notices in sanatoriums or hospitals, for example, in laboratories or in sectors intended for surgery or the care of seriously ill patients.

These types of prohibitions are always notified to the general public through posters that mark the corresponding prohibition; They usually warn you with images, symbols and concise words, in red and black colors, highlighted so that no one can not notice them.

On the other hand, in recent years with the important and massive campaigns that have been carried out regarding the damage caused by cigarettes, both for the smoker himself and for those who inhale the smoke passively, it has generated that today this practically smoking is prohibited in almost all public and private spaces where the important public attends: offices, large companies, bars, restaurants, among others.

This measure is undoubtedly an advance in public health.

Order that a judge dictates so that a person does not approach another or a place

It should be noted that you can also issue a prohibition against someone to approach another, in case it represents a danger to their life or health.

It is commonly dictated by a judge or court of law.

Although the prohibitions in many cases do not prevent events such as those mentioned from occurring, because there are individuals who do not even respect the rules, what the prohibition does do is to order community life a little and discourage those who, out of ignorance, pretend transgress some of the current prohibitions.

The concept that is opposed to the one that concerns us is that of Excuse me since the consent, authorization to do, say or use something.

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