
route definition

The route is a path, road or highway that connects different geographical places and that allows people to move from one place to another, especially by cars, although the presence of buses is also recurrent..

As for the purpose of this, the aforementioned is the main issue that will differentiate a route from a road, since they are specially equipped for vehicular transport to transit through them: asphalted, with special signs, service areas for satisfy some basic needs on long journeys, among other issues. In countries such as Argentina and Uruguay, the use of the term route to refer to this type of road is popular, on the other hand, in Spain, the use of the term highway to name them prevails.

When a route enters an urban area, a city, for example, it becomes a street, then the speed allowed will be much lower than the one guaranteed on the route without proximity to towns. Generally, they are given a street name, for example Hipólito Irigoyen, although people usually refer to them with the name of the route even though it is a section of the same that is in the city. The crash occurred on Route 197 and Avenida Constituyentes.

The good condition of the routes, that is, the pavement, lighting and cleaning may be at the expense and expense of the State in question or, failing that, have been given in concession to a company which, through the collection of tolls from motorists who pass through it, gathers the resources for its maintenance, in addition to running their own business.

On the other hand, the term route is also used with recurrence to account for the direction that will be taken to achieve this or that goal in life.

Route will also be called itinerary that has been planned for a trip. According to our roadmap we will first be in Venice and then in Rome.

Likewise, in the field of computing We find a reference for the word path, since in this way the files or directories are designated within a file system, the path will tell us the exact location of the file through a string of characters.

On the other hand, a link path will be the set of points that facilitate the union of two extreme points.

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