
definition of historicity

Historical quality

It is designated with the term of historicity to any question, thing or person that presents / displays quality of historical, that is to say, that is relative or part of history.

The story and its relevance

History, meanwhile, is that social science that aims to study the past of humanity.

The object of study of history is nothing other than those events that occurred in the past. The historians who are the ideal professionals in the field are in charge of investigating a specific period of time and on it they will analyze all the information that is available, that is, archives, first-person testimonies, documents, in definitive accounts, the focus will be placed especially that which allows a complete knowledge of the period under study.

Of all the human sciences, that is to say that they deal with the action of man, history is undoubtedly one of the most relevant and useful for man himself because it not only allows knowing the cultural and material set of a given society that has past history but also allows us to reconstruct our cultural identity, analyzing, investigating and recapturing information from the past that facilitates the reconstruction of idiosyncrasy.

Reflect on the events that happened

Returning to the concept that concerns us and in a strict sense, historicity will imply the interpretation of temporality, which is the characteristic of events that have already happened that occur in the course of time, of past events.

Then, historicity would be something like the reflection on the temporality of the events that occurred, being the same and exclusive of human beings, because only men are capable of reflecting on time and its passage. This question assumes that if history is indeed the facts interpreted and it is said that it is relative, also its interpretation, that is, historicity, will be.

Historicity also implies taking into consideration that all the activity carried out by human beings integrates history, is part of this discipline, regardless of what it is, everything that people do integrates history and later on it will allow us to reflect about it when reviewing it through historical documents, among other sources.

Meanwhile, what interests historicity the most is the reflection on history itself, not so much what things happened, that history itself deals with them, but rather the question is in the analysis of history itself.

And the characteristic that captures the focus of attention during this analysis is temporality, because time is key when it comes to understanding history.

Elements that make up historicity

In historicity can be detected three fundamental elements: embodied spirit, temporality and freedom.

Because he is spirit, man is open to the limitless horizon that proposes him to be a being, the possibility of transcending the finite and even himself, inasmuch as, being himself spirit incarnate, that is, spirit within a The material body is also finite and limited, not exhausting the possibilities of the essence.

Temporality in this sense will not imply the duration of its existence as an entity but rather the intrinsic deployment at the time of the realization of its possibilities, which are characterized by being transitory, orderly and with the destiny of being at some point in time. replaced by others and so on.

And Freedom, because the fact of being able to act freely is what in a certain way gives man that historical character. Only where there is freedom will there be historicity.

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