
definition of self-regulation

The self-regulation refers to the capacity that an entity, association, organization or institution has to regulate itself based on voluntary monitoring and control that will take place from its own facilities and resources.

Capacity of an entity to regulate itself per se

It should be noted that self-regulation will imply a victory in terms of balance for the organization or entity in question and will also avoid the intervention of factors or other institutions that help to achieve such a state.

Applications in various contexts: examples

The concept of self-regulation is very broad and turns out to be applicable to different areas and contexts, for example, the biology, psychology, politics, economics, technology, especially the Internet, after the shocking proliferation that has occurred in this area in recent times, among others.

Although in some situations or contexts, such is the case of the economic, state intervention is required to normalize certain situations, self-regulation implies control, both voluntary and spontaneous; Of course, self-regulation, in whatever field, will need frameworks and wills that encourage it to take shape and also that deal with the definition of its scope.

Economic regulation or self-regulation is an issue that has been subject to discrepancies according to the lens with which it is viewed, because from some ideological currents such as populism the intervention of the state and all those conditions that it imposes in the market to avoid the subjugation that some trends tend to promote. While from the other side of the ring, as is liberalism, they consider that the market should not be controlled and in this way it will be regulated, for example, they do not consider the participation of the state in this sense necessary or wise, on the contrary they consider it harmful for growth and development and to achieve investment.

On the other hand, in biological matters, human beings naturally have the ability to adapt to the different climates that exist in the region we inhabit and that will be linked to the different seasons of the year: summer, winter, autumn and spring.

Meanwhile, it will not be necessary for us to make any additional effort or extra action to adapt to them because our naturally wise and willing body will self-regulate depending on the prevailing weather conditions and there will be no need for us to have to move to another place to avoid this or that weather.

But let's talk more specifically with examples that allow us to explain this very natural but not always understood question.

On an extremely hot day in the city where we live, our body tends to self-regulate in terms of temperature, and it is not, as we said, necessary that we have to flee and settle in another place that offers a cooler climate.

The human body is specially designed by natural biology to adapt to the climates that it experiences throughout the year.

Of course, we will be able to find people more prone to feeling the cold and also others who suffer more from the heat, but in any case our body is programmed to adapt to the different seasons of the year and to be able to emerge unscathed from the extreme temperatures that it proposes to us. usually each one.

Now, it is important that we mention that this does not happen with all living beings in our ecosystem and that is why there are many organisms that must mobilize in search of better climatic conditions to survive, such is the case of insects. This is so because they lack internal self-regulatory processes in their bodies.

So on a day of extreme heat the insect should move to a place where the weather conditions do not affect it, for example, seek refuge under a rock, in the top of a tree, or anywhere else where do not directly reach the sun's rays so penetrating during the summer season.

Or on the contrary, when certain species are accidentally taken or arrived in a climate that is not the one in which they are used to living, then they will begin to suffer serious consequences that will affect their health.

In many cases they die quickly without being able to do something and in other cases they can be transferred to their habitats of origin to regain their balance and life habits.

Scope in the journalist activity

Fortunately, many areas, especially those that are capable of reaching and shaping people's opinions and beliefs, such is the case of the mass media: radio, television, newspapers, advertising and the Internet, in In recent times, they have self-regulation in matters of methodologies and techniques as well as with regard to the dissemination or not of certain contents that may severely affect public opinion in the event of being exhibited without adequate support.

The journalistic self-regulation, for example, it was born from the voluntary and joint commitment of the agents that intervene in the communication process and is oriented precisely to complement the freedom of the media with the responsible use of the same; In other words, the idea is to exercise their activity freely but without detracting from its purpose, for example putting itself at the service of other people's ends and which detract from its primary meaning.

The right to freedom of expression must always prevail because the constitutions of democratic systems provide for it and dispose of it, but of course it must be in tune with the rights and guarantees of citizens, that is, in the name of freedom of expression, it should never be It must go against any right or guarantee of citizenship and that the media and its professionals must know and comply with it in order to carry out their task in accordance with the ethical plane.

Another fundamental issue in this sense is not being tied to any power of the day or to a company, since not being tied guarantees the independence of the environment and the professional, and will move freely.

It should be noted that the various forms of self-regulation in the exercise of the journalistic profession have their origin in the professional journalistic deontology, which is precisely the normative order that concerns the activity of journalism. It is made up of a series of norms and principles that have the mission of regulating the conscience of the media professional and is inspired by two principles of rigorous compliance such as truth and social responsibility.

On the other hand, it is essential that self-regulation is the consequence of a broad and joint consensus among all social agents, the media, the journalist, the public, among others.

The idea is that self-regulation in this area implies care and respect in terms of values, ethics and moral and constitutional principles on the part of everyone, from the owners of the media, through those who work in the media such as journalists and likewise the consumers of media content, that is, the public.

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