
definition of melting point

The concept of melting point is used to name the temperature at which it is possible to find the equilibrium between the solid and liquid phases, that is, it is the temperature when a given matter passes from a solid state to a liquid state, achieving its melting.

For his part, solid state is one of the characteristic states of aggregation of a matter, a question that is closely related to the strength of the union of the intervening particles. The main characteristic of this state is that it is resistant to changes in shape and volume. In this state the particles will be in unity and satisfactorily organized. Because the molecules that make up a solid achieve an important unity and a well-defined shape

And the liquid state It is another of the states of aggregation of matter that is characterized by its fluid form and its constancy in an important pressure range. It is worth mentioning that the liquid state is the only one of the states that has a defined volume but not in a fixed way. Water is undoubtedly the most abundant and common liquid that exists on our planet.

It is worth mentioning that the passage from one state to the other only occurs at a constant temperature and that the melting point is a property of an intensive type, which implies that they do not depend on the amount of substance or the size of a body. . For example, the value will remain unchanged when the initial system is subdivided into other subsystems.

As pressure does not usually affect the melting point of a substance, it is used to check its purity or to characterize organic compounds.

When it comes to a pure substance, which is a chemical substance that has a well-defined chemical composition, the melting point will always be higher and a smaller variation with respect to an impure substance. The more impure the substance in question is, its melting point will be very low and it will only be possible to achieve a lower melting point.

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