
definition of Cartesian plane

At the instigation of mathematics, the Cartesian plane is a system of references that is made up of two number lines, one horizontal and one vertical, which intersect at a certain point. The horizontal is called the abscissa or x axis and the vertical axis of the coordinates or the yes, while the point at which they will intersect is called the origin. The main function or purpose of this plane will be to describe the position of points, which will be represented by their coordinates or ordered pairs. The coordinates will be formed by associating a value from the x axis and another from the y axis.

Meanwhile, to locate the points in the Cartesian plane, the following must be taken into account ... to locate the abscissa or value of the x, the corresponding units will be counted in the right direction, if they are positive, and in the left direction, if they are negative, starting from the point of origin, which is 0. And then, from where the value of x was located, the corresponding units will be counted up if they are positive, down if they are negative and in this way locate any point given the coordinates.

The distance that separates the place from where we are, to for example the place to which we want to go, which, let us suppose is four blocks to the north and six to the west, can be captured through a Cartesian plane, taking as origin of the plane in which we find ourselves.

The origin of the name of the Cartesian plane as such has been made in honor of the renowned seventeenth-century French mathematician and philosopher René Descartes, for having promoted the need to take a starting point on which to build all knowledge.

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