
definition of rhombus

Known as one of the most common and widely used geometric figures, the rhombus should be described as a quadrilateral (that is, a figure that contains four sides) parallelogram (that is, there are two pairs of sides parallel to each other). The rhombus can be seen as a square or a slightly tilted rectangle.

With the idea of ​​turning infinitely

The name given to this geometric shape has to do with the Greek language for which the term rhombos refers to those shapes that rotate endlessly.

How is the rhombus made up?

As with other quadrilaterals, the rhombus is made up of four closed sides that form its perimeter. These four sides are always equivalent in length to each other since if any of them presented a minimum difference with others we would be talking about a rhomboid and not a rhombus. These four sides form two internal or diagonal axes that touch the vertices at which two sides meet and that are perpendicular. The four vertices or internal angles of a rhombus are not ninety degrees since the lines are inclined and are not perpendicular to each other.

Presence of parallelism in construction

Another important element that characterizes rhombuses is the existence of parallelism between their two pairs of sides. Thus, the two opposing sides are parallel to each other although the distance between them may vary depending on the type of rhombus it is.

Rhombuses are, together with squares and triangles, one of the most common and simple geometric shapes to analyze since all their sides are equivalent to each other and therefore the sum of their angles and the way to establish the diagonals is always the same.

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