
definition of organism

The term organism can refer to various issues.

On the one hand, the term organism is used very frequently as a synonym for living being, in this sense, an organism is the set of atoms and molecules that form a highly organized and complex material structure in which interacting molecular communication systems also intervene. with the environment exchanging energy and matter in a very orderly way and that are what will allow the organism in question to perform the most basic functions of life such as nutrition, relationship and reproduction. In this way that we describe, organisms function and act on their own without losing the structural level until death.

Organisms are composed of matter, which, 95% is made up of four bioelements that are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen and their basic properties result in organization, homeostasis, which is the natural internal balance that each organism observes. , irritability, which is the reaction to external stimuli, metabolism that is responsible for the process of transforming energy into nutrients so that the body remains active and functioning, development, the more nutrients are transformed, the body will acquire size, reproduction, which is the ability of organisms to produce copies of themselves and adapt to the environment.

On the other hand and at the behest of Biology, an organism is the set of structured tissues, which has a defined function and which is part of a living being.

And finally the word organism is also used very recurrently to designate and refer to those social systems that are designed to achieve goals and objectives through the provision of human resources and of any other type that contributes to the aforementioned purpose.

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