
definition of effort

We speak of effort when there is some kind of sacrifice to achieve something. It is present in all kinds of circumstances, such as work, sports, study or life itself in general.

In popular language there is a law associated with this concept: the law of least effort, a name that refers to those people who seek to achieve their goals in an easy and comfortable way, without assuming any kind of personal wear and tear.

At work

Effort in the workplace is a determining factor. As a general criterion, those who show interest and commitment in carrying out their tasks, receive some type of reward, be it a new contract, a salary increase or other gratification.

On the contrary, lazy and diligent people are usually penalized, since minimal effort implies a lack of productivity.

Jobs can be classified in many ways, as some are well paid and others are not, some are more or less easy to perform and sometimes the effort factor is key to ordering the world of work.

Among the jobs that require greater physical effort, we can highlight that of a miner, that of a farmer or that of a housekeeper.

On the sport

Athletes need to train with dedication to achieve their goals. Success largely depends on your ability to push yourself.

It can be affirmed that sporting achievements are related to two factors: the natural conditions of the athlete and the effort expressed in their activity.

In the study

We generally associate the idea we are analyzing with physical work, but we must not forget that there is also intellectual effort. This is carried out in many ways: trying to understand what is initially presented in a confusing way, with hours of reading alone or doing exercises repeatedly until a certain subject is understood.

Motivation is the energy that activates effort

We need a motivation for everything, be it to study, work, play sports or simply to live. Motivation is not a mysterious force, but can be understood as a vital form of energy.

The relationship between motivation and effort is evident: with the energy of motivation we are willing to make all kinds of sacrifices and without that energy we feel without the will to fight for some goal.

Personal motivation comes from our interior or from some external stimulus. On the other hand, motivation has a contagious ingredient over others.

Photo: Fotolia - jiaking1

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