
definition of technical drawing

Discipline that deals with designing everyday items

A He drew is the figure, image or delineation that is usually done manually and with the help of a tool designed for this purpose, such as a pencil or a brush, on different materials, meanwhile, by technical, reference is made to that procedure linked to science whose mission is to obtain an end.

Then, once both concepts that jointly integrate the concept that will occupy us have been clarified separately, we will say that the technical drawing is a system of graphical representation of different types of objects. The objective of this will be provide the most important and necessary information to analyze an object, help its design and enable both its construction and maintenance.

Almost all the objects that we observe on a daily basis and with which we interact were designed and built from a drawing that was not intended to express art but rather the practical purpose of that object, for which it will be used, for example, if we are before a tool.

Thanks to this specialization of drawing, it is possible to design most of the elements that are around us.

Have knowledge of geometry

The provision of geometric knowledge is essential when representing objects, without them it would certainly be unfeasible. Issues such as symmetry, angles, projections and magnitudes are very important to know in order to carry out the representation of objects of reality.

The technical drawing also allows us the representation of elements from different points of view, its front, a top view, the left side, the right and the bottom and the back.

Also, technical drawing can be done with the help of computers. For this reason, there are certain programs (software) that facilitate projections and calculations to arrive at the most accurate drawing according to these.

At present, technical drawing has provided programs to the various fields of use, a fact that of course implies an enormous technical and design advance.

Meanwhile, the manual instruments most used by this technique are the rulers, compasses and squares.

Special use in architecture, urban planning and engineering

Also, it supports sketches, diagrams, diagrams, plans and other representations and the use of geometric concepts and notions of mathematics to successfully achieve scales and perspectives when necessary.

The architecture it is the discipline that par excellence appeals to technical drawings. A building, for example, can be represented thanks to the technical drawing, in plan, with the top or ceiling view; or elevation, with its front and side view; Likewise, annotations and clarifications about its dimensions can be dumped in the plans, specifically, this type is called architectural drawing.

Urbanism and engineering are also other areas that make use of this type of drawing.

In the strict case of urban planning, it is thanks to the technical drawing that the various aspects that make up the public space, roads, basic services, among others, can be designed.

Each city has its own contingencies, features and demands and the urban planner must assess all these issues and of course, through technical drawing, translate them into sketches or projects that assess and satisfy them accordingly.

But there are also other types ...

The Mechanical drawing that deals with representing parts or parts of a machine, the electronic drawing, performs the representation of circuits, the electrical drawing, on the other hand, it outlines the electrical installations of an architectural structure; the geological, is used by geography and geology to represent the different layers of the earth and to show the minerals contained in each of the layers. And the urban drawing, which is used to organize the development of urban centers.

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