
definition of personnel

The term personal refers to several simultaneous uses. In general terms, staff refers to that belonging to the person or that which is proper to him. For example, the qualities of a person will be what makes them special, unique and unrepeatable in the world.

While, in the field of linguistics, personal will be that which refers to or is related to grammatical people. For example, the personal forms of verbs.

On the other hand, the term personal is used when you want to talk about a A group of people. To the set of people who work and provide their professional services in a company, workshop, factory or organization is designated and formally known as personnel.

Also, in sports, especially in basketball, the word personal has a special meaning since it is used to refer to the foul a player commits when he touches or pushes the opponent causing a foul to be committed, which will be punished with a free kick in accordance with the regulations.

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