
definition of psychomotor

The term Psychomotricity designates that discipline that, based on an integral conception of the individual, deals with studying and determining the interaction that is established between the knowledge, emotions, body and movement of that person and as these turn out to be very important for his development as an individual, to develop his capacity for expression and to relate positively and effectively with the world that surrounds him and in which he is inserted.

The professional in charge of carrying out this task is designated by the term of psychomotor and then, thanks to the resources derived from its precedent and corresponding study of the subject, it will study and measure the subjects in terms of the aforementioned topics. Meanwhile, it may be that it deals with absolutely healthy people or with those who suffer from a type of disorder, such as mobility, in both cases dealing with both the educational, re-educational or therapeutic level, as appropriate.

What mainly moves psychomotor skills is the firm belief that psychomotor disorders may have been triggered either by an affective, relational or communication problem that the person who suffers from them has experienced with the environment in which he operates.

Psychomotor skills, in the work that it performs specifically with children, will seek through games to help them in terms of their effective cognitive and motor development. For this, a place specially equipped and conditioned for such purposes will be necessary, called a psychomotor classroom, in which the child can be the same, without the need to establish much care to avoid destruction, as can occur at home and then, developing a free play, alone, or with his peers, without fear of dangers, he can be the same, know himself, fend for himself, experience himself in certain situations, show himself and all this clear before the look and study of the psychomotor, who through The different actions of these, such as symbolizations, constructions or games, will be able to measure and determine if there may be a conflict between the child and any of the aforementioned aspects and, on the other hand, ensure that the boy can manage his actions autonomously.

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