
definition of cheerful

The word happy It is a word that is very present in our language and that we mostly use to refer to a state of full satisfaction and good spirits that invades us and that generally has to do with having received some good news, that something very positive happened to us that we were looking forward to, among other issues.

Basically being cheerful is be content, happy and is closely related to happiness, which is one of the most positive feelings that human beings can experience.

It should be noted that when we are happy we radiate joy and we are able to spread it around us and around us so that they can approach that state of satisfaction.

Without a doubt, and many psychological studies have shown it through time and different tests, joy, adds to people's quality of life, because those who intend to live with good humor and joy will be able to overcome obstacles, frustrations that may occur and even despite them and thanks to the joy that they bring to their activities, turn around adverse situations. Developing the ability to see the good, even in what is not, will be essential to not lose joy and be strong to reverse any inconvenience that occurs in life.

Meanwhile, the state that is totally opposed to that of cheerful is sad, in which grief, melancholy and pain will prevail.

Also, it is worth mentioning that the word joyful can be applied to a thing, situation or object that just transmits or evokes the typical characteristics of the state of joy. Normally, bright and contrasting colors are understood as transmitters of joy, therefore, it is used for this purpose.

On the other hand, in the colloquial language of some parts of Spanish-speaking the word Alegre is used to give an account of that individual who as a result of having drunk too much is excited and somewhat unbridled and uninhibited in his way of behaving.

And likewise the word joyful can be used to indicate when something is presented free or with licentious characteristics and when some situation or someone is unwise or frivolous.

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