
definition of bullying

It is currently known under the name 'bullying' to the phenomenon that involves the exercise of violence in the school environment, especially among students of different or equal ages. Bullying is in English the act of exercising violence, persecuting, stigmatizing, attacking another child and this term comes from the noun "bully" which in English means that child or student who assaults another or takes advantage of their helplessness.

The phenomenon of bullying takes its name from English because it has achieved an important development in schools and educational settings in the United States, being perhaps a very common characteristic of the school space today. However, in recent years, this practice has become more common in other countries of the world, such as those of Latin America, where children of different origins, ages and styles attack their peers for no reason.

The act of bullying refers to the violence that a child or student can exert on another by the simple act of demonstrating power or superiority. The bully or that boy who attacks another does not always find reasons to carry out his violence but usually this part of an act of imposing force or as a way to demonstrate his importance, superiority, etc.

Bullying becomes a very complex phenomenon because this physical and psychological aggression ends up being built as part of daily life and for the student who is attacked it is not a matter of a particular day but rather it becomes something constant. Aggressors often find fascination, fun and power in this practice, which is why they dedicate themselves to exercising it permanently.

It is important to note that in addition to generating total and constant harassment on the person attacked (who suffers from insecurity, fear, low self-esteem, etc.), it can become a significant risk with regard to social relationships. In this sense, bullying can be pointed to in some cases as the original cause of the massacres committed in American schools in which the murderers used to be children or students permanently harassed by others and who made the decision to end that way of life.

The phenomenon of bullying is so complex that today it is recognized as one of the main evils in the educational field and is very difficult to counteract, which is why many schools and educational establishments have begun to develop deep campaigns against it in addition to carrying out activities that contribute to the integration of students.

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