
definition of chamomile

The chamomile, also known as chamomile, is an herb native to Europe widely used for its large number of properties, mainly its effects on the nervous system, as well as for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory power.

This plant has a long stem that reaches 25 cm in length, with elongated leaves and small white flowers, it predominates in the meadows, having good tolerance to extreme climatic conditions. It can be planted in a pot which makes it easy to have it at home.

Chamomile has several uses

The main way to use chamomile is by preparing infusions from fresh or dried flowers, which have a pleasant flavor and are used to achieve effects such as a calming or sedative action on the nervous system as well as for its antispasmodic effect that helps relieve colic-type pain.

This infusion can be used cold in compresses to be used on areas of inflammation, being one of its main applications in the treatment of eye disorders such as conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids, inflammation of the face in sinusitis crisis and hemorrhoids painful It can also be applied to hair to lighten it and obtain golden highlights.

From chamomile they are obtained essential oils through a distillation process used in aromatherapy treatments. Its main uses are in the cosmetic area to promote healing processes, hydrate the skin and achieve a fresher appearance.

It is also used in the manufacture of toiletries such as soap, perfumes, creams, shampoo and various cosmetics.

Chamomile is also a homeopathic remedy

Homeopathy includes chamomile with its chamomile name in its repertoire of remedies. In this treatment system, chamomile is used in a diluted form for the treatment of colic in young children as well as irritability and crying that are only consoled when taking the child in arms, in fact there is a very popular phrase among homeopaths that It says "when the child screams, give chamomile."

Precautions when using chamomile

Although it is a natural product, chamomile is not completely harmless for the body, excessive use of this plant can cause irritability in the nervous system and vomiting. Its use is not recommended in pregnant women as it has been associated with an increased risk of miscarriage.

Photos: iStock - MilosJokic / Drazen Lovric

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