
definition of competing

The term compete is a verb that is used to designate a type of action in which the people who are involved fight to achieve a goal. This fight that takes place involves in most cases facing another person or individual, however, in some cases it may represent the competence that a person establishes with himself to overcome and improve his previous results in a certain activity.

The act of competing is a common act among all living beings since in its simplest and most primary sense it has to do with survival. Animals, humans, and even plants all compete for food, better protection, or more direct access to the sun. That competition is always against another equal or different that may have the same objective and that may mean doom.

In a more common and usual sense, the idea of ​​competition is related to activities carried out by human beings that do not necessarily have to do with their immediate survival. Thus, it is common to speak of the act of competing in relation to sports activities in which two or more opponents face each other for a prize. It is also common to speak of competition or the act of competing when referring to work or professional spaces in which people dispute a position, a job, etc. In each of these cases, the competition is carried out for objectives such as climbing the social ladder, glory, prestige, recognition and generating a higher level of self-esteem.

Another type of competence, as mentioned at the beginning, is one that a person can develop with himself, with his inner ego. Thus, a person can develop an endless number of common or not so common activities and seek to overcome their previous achievements through effort and commitment.

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