
definition of provenance

The word origin it is used to designate the origin, the beginning that something, an object, a person shows and from which it then proceeds.

The origin that has something or someone, synonymous with nationality

Normally, in this sense of the term, what can be known, whether of an object or of a person, is the nationality that it presents. " I do not know the origin of this product that you tell me, therefore, you should be careful in its consumption or inform yourself about it to determine the quality. Laura is of Russian origin.”

For example, one of the most popular uses of this term is as a synonym for nationality, applied either to an object, thing, or person, among others.

The geographical origin that someone has marks many of the characteristics that they will present on the physical plane, and also with regard to their way of behavior or act.

For example, people who come from a place located in the interior of their country tend to have a different idiosyncrasy to that of a person who grew up in the metropolis, and this will be determined by the customs that prevail in both places, normally, the interior marks a calmer life than the frenzy that can be seen in the city and that is transferred in many cases to the way of being and acting of someone.

For example, the town person can be seen as more parsimonious than the one who lives in the city.

On the other hand, there are succulent differences between those who live in the East with respect to those who inhabit the West; once again, the uses and customs, diverse and antagonistic, will be the pulse of those differences that arise.

On the other hand, the concept of origin is applied to account for the economic situation from which someone comes, whether they come from a wealthy family or one with limited economic resources.

In many situations this wealthy or not origin will determine the possibilities that someone presents to develop better or worse, and also the need to make greater efforts when it comes to achieving some objective.

Those who are born with all the resources on their side, generally have more possibilities than those who do not have them, and in any case they will have to make greater efforts to achieve their goals.

Be careful, that does not imply that whoever is born under the sign of poverty cannot go further or occupy a better position with respect to the one who has a source with more resources, although of course, the efforts to invest will undoubtedly be more.

Starting point that has something

Also, the word provenance can refer point, the one that has an individual or a means of transport. "The origin of the plane that fell into the void is Colombian. The bus we take comes from the south of the city.”

That convenient

On the other hand, when the term is applied to the behavior observed by an individual or to the comment made by someone, what it will refer to is the quality of reasonable, fair and convenient that what he did or says presents. “Your speech stood out for its impeccable origin regarding the situation that the company is going through at this time.”

Use in law

At the request of Right, the provenance turns out to be the legal basis for a claim, petition or appeal.

Meanwhile, the word origin is associated with other terms, which can be used as synonyms, such as: origin, birth, filiation, ancestry, nature, beginning, cause, cradle and source.

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