
definition of brotherhood

The term brotherhood is used to designate a special type of congregation or union of people who have the same religious interests in common and who fulfill a particular purpose in the environment in which they are inserted. The brotherhoods are especially linked to the Catholic Church since the notion of this type of institution has always had to do with Catholic worship. However, the term brotherhood can be used in an abstract sense to refer to different types of organizations or groups that have the same characteristics as religious brotherhoods but are not linked to spiritual or religious aspects.

The brotherhood is, basically, an association of a specific number of members who unite under the same name with a specific objective. Historically, brotherhoods have always been related to Catholic worship since they were formed to pay veneration to Jesus, God, some of the saints, etc. Religious brotherhoods are usually Catholic because the concept is not common to other religions such as Asian or Near Eastern religions. In this sense, a religious brotherhood can carry out numerous functions and activities that have to do directly or indirectly with the fulfillment of the cult that is professed.

The brotherhoods usually have a fairly clear hierarchical and institutional organization that is generally immovable and that has to do with traditions that come from centuries. This hierarchical organization places the most experienced individuals in positions of superiority, responsible for many of the decisions that are made within the group. Obviously, the younger members are limited for a certain time to participate in the meetings but do not participate in the decision-making.

In the current social context, the idea of ​​brotherhood hides a negative meaning since these groups are usually seen as closed associations of people who do not clearly declare their interests or objectives, who move in secret areas or not open to the entire community. community and that, in some cases, are characterized by fanatical views and attitudes.

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