
definition of online

The word on-line It is a term that comes from the English language and that translated into ours indicates online.

Now, it should be noted that this concept has become extremely popular in recent years, especially thanks to the benefits and advancement of the internet, because it is used fundamentally to express the connectivity that something or someone presents, that is, when a device or system is connected it will be said that it is online, while when an individual is connected to the internet it will be said that it is online.

In the case of an internet user who is in the aforementioned state of online, he may be contacted by other users with whom he is in relationship in this way. For example, in the Messenger chat program, when an individual is online, his contacts will appreciate that he has a green distinction and then when he is in this state they can have conversations with him.

Another common use that we attribute to the term is when certain information, which the Internet user generally requires, is found online on a web page so that they can access it. The prices of all our merchandise can be obtained online through our website.

The opposing concept is that of offline that proposes the opposite, the disconnection.

On the other hand, in the field of telecommunications we also find a reference for this term, since through it we will designate that device that is in online mode and linked to another, more important system. Then, by being in this way, the device will be available to the aforementioned system without the need for the intervention of a human being to actuate it.

And when the word is applied to any system that is in operation and is in charge of executing a task, it is common for it to be said that it is online and ready to execute it.

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