
definition of binomial

For Algebra, the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of structures, relationships and quantities, a binomial is that algebraic expression that has two terms. Being extremely formal, it refers to a polynomial composed of the sum of two monomials, although, to make it simpler and easier, it is used to indicate any expression that consists of an addition or a subtraction of two terms.

To calculate the degree of a binomial, what will be done is to add the exponents of each term, The greatest sum will be the degree.

There are some formulas that allow you to multiply certain polynomials directly, they are called notable factors and many refer to operations with binomials ... common factor, binomial square, sum by differences.

And on the other hand, the word binomial is usually used to refer to the set of two people, who, for example, maintain a close relationship both in the personal and professional fields and that then because of this affective bond or just because they share the same task, they join in order to produce some project, task or initiative. For example, it is very common in the artistic field to speak of the binomials, whether in terms of characters, directors or actors, among others. Although, also, the word Binomial serves to denote related concepts as well as individuals.

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