
definition of silo

The silo is a space created specifically for the storage of grains and other agricultural elements that are kept there in ideal conditions until they are marketed, thus preventing them from going into poor condition due to weather conditions. Silos can be larger or smaller depending basically on the productive capacity that a field may have. When we talk about a particular and relatively small field, the silos are usually not bigger than a barn, while when we talk about extensive and very large plantations the silos are usually very large, with an immense height and even erected in conjunction with several silos plus.

The silo is an extremely necessary structure in the field of agriculture since it allows the storage and permanent control of the production that has not yet gone on sale. Thus, what is harvested in one season can be kept under protection until the next season in which it is put up for sale. The silos protect the grains from climatic changes and that is why it is important that there is adequate ventilation but that no light or water enters the space. The cleaning of the silos is very important to keep the space in proper hygienic conditions.

Silos can have different formats according to the needs of each place. The most common type of silos is the one that has a cylindrical shape and that reaches between 10 and 30 meters in height. This type of silo is known as a tower silo. They are usually made of concrete, although they can also be made of stone or covered on the outside with materials specially designed to prevent the sun or rain from penetrating the interior. The tower silos are unloaded at ground level.

Bunker silos are less common but equally useful in preserving different types of agricultural production. These silos usually have the shape of a dome (a semicircle) and have tubes that connect directly to the processing plants in which the grain is received and transformed into different products.

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