
comparison definition

Comparison can be defined as a speech or writing resource that is used to establish the elements from which objects, people or situations are similar to each other.

A comparison can be made in different spaces and with respect to different situations and it always implies that two or more things share some of their elements, thus becoming similar or similar to each other. The word comparison is related to that of 'even' and to putting these elements before them more or less pairs in order to equate them and analyze them from the same point of view.

There should always be two options to be able to compare

Comparison is a structure that always requires the presence of two comparable or comparable objects, people, situations or elements. Obviously, a comparison cannot be made if you have only one person or one object and nothing to compare or equate it with. This comparison starts from the fact of discovering similar elements between both parties that differentiate them, in turn, from others. For example, one country compares itself to another when they act in the same way when faced with a certain phenomenon.

However, the comparison can also be made between elements, people or situations that do not resemble each other. This is where the comparison serves to list characteristics or traits that, after being corroborated as more or less different between both parties, mark whether these two things are similar or not. For example, this happens when the behavior of two different individuals in the same situation is compared: the differentiated response that each one of them gives makes them different, but it is based on the notion of comparison.

How to make a comparison?

To carry out a comparison, it is always essential to place both parties, people, objects or situations under similar parameters of analysis. This means that you cannot compare two people in different situations, or two objects that have nothing to do with each other unless they are located in a space and time common to both.

Deepen your knowledge of something

People are constantly, consciously and unconsciously, comparing things and people, and this is so because basically the comparison is an action that allows us to understand a reality, a state of affairs. Let's think that we are faced with something unknown, immediately our mind will look for a point of relationship with something else already known to be able to unravel that which appears to us as unknown.

Or also when we talk about things that we know, we usually use the comparison with other entities or species to be able to count or account for similarities, even if they are not of the same species. For example, when a person stands out for his cunning, sagacity and for appreciating in a very concrete way the things that surround him, we usually say that he is a lynx. Lynxes are a type of mammal that is distinguished by having a very, very penetrating sight that allows them to see in a great way, even in the distance.

Precisely, this type of comparisons between the qualities of animals and people is very frequent and helps us to explain certain situations.

And in terms of communication and language, comparison is also frequent based on what is called synonymy, which consists of the coincidence of meanings between two or more different words, which share a similar reference but which is not exactly the same. .

For example, when we talk about the sympathy of a person we will be referring to the fact that they have a pleasant character towards others. Meanwhile, the concept of sympathy may well be replaced by those of charm, grace, cordiality, angel, among others, to express exactly the same, but of course, with other words.

So, comparison is an action that will always allow us to deepen our knowledge of something that is already known or that is still unknown, so it is certainly a relevant action.

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