
definition of parking

The concept of parking lot we use it in our language with various senses. On the one hand, it designates the action of stopping and temporarily placing a car or any other vehicle in a space that is exclusively destined for it. And on the other hand, we also use the concept to name that place, a building that is specially designed for several, dozens, or more vehicles to park there.

In large cities, parking lots are very common places as a result of the enormous demand for cars that move, arrive in the city and that at some point need to park since their owners must do paperwork, go to work, study, among so many activities.

Obviously these spaces charge a sum of money that will vary according to the length of time the vehicle stays in them.

Likewise, in the streets of the city, not all of them, it is allowed to park cars but of course, those spaces cannot respond to the tremendous demand for cars that circulate and want to park in them.

In many of the world's cities there are clear notices of where you can and where you cannot park, many of them even have a cost to do so. Calls in some parts such as parking meters are machines to which money is added and a receipt is issued that enables the driver to leave his car parked on a street and allowed space for a certain period of time.

Normally, those spaces on the streets where you can never park are the exits of private parking lots, as they are usually marked with lines of strong colors, such as yellow, or blue, so that the motorist takes account that there is no can park.

Those who do not comply with the regulations that indicate that in this or that place you can not park and still do so can suffer a fine and also the hauling of their car.

A company hired by the municipality is dedicated to controlling in those hours when parking is not allowed that the rules are met and when it finds a car in violation, it carries it and then the owner of the vehicle must not only pay the fine for bad parking but also also the expenses that derive from the transport.

We must emphasize on this issue that unfortunately despite the existence of places such as parking lots or permitted places on the streets, people tend to park in forbidden places, such as down streets for the disabled, certainly complicating the transit of their neighbors. .

These behaviors are often linked to poor driver education and also to the goal of avoiding paying for a formal parking lot.

There is little awareness in this regard yet, although the penalties that the municipalities are imposing for it are trying to inhibit these bad behaviors.

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