
definition of healthy

The word 'healthy' is always used as a qualifying adjective to designate those people who have a state of total or almost complete physical, psychological and social well-being. Being healthy means being in good condition not only physically but also at the mental level and at the level of human contact, that is, with the other members of society. Although the state of complete health is certainly difficult to achieve due to the different complications and diseases that the current lifestyle presents, getting as close as possible to that state of well-being depends without a doubt on ourselves.

As is clear, the notion of 'healthy' or health is opposed to those of 'sick' or disease. While in one we find the presence of well-being at different levels, in the other we find the presence of complications and discomforts that can range from the most basic to the harshest and most complex.

Normally, throughout history the idea of ​​being healthy has varied for humanity. In this sense, a few centuries ago a healthy person did not have the characteristics that a person currently considered healthy has. This has to do not only with the change in trends in the physical image, but also with the development of major improvements in the level and quality of life of the populations.

Today, being healthy is normally understood as taking care of the body at the same time as the mind. This is basically achieved through the consumption of healthy, low-fat and diverse foods, constant exercise or physical activity, not excessive recourse to harmful habits such as tobacco, alcohol or drugs, development of a satisfactory and varied social life, of the establishment of lasting social relations, of the permanent consultation of doctors, etc.

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