
definition of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates, also known as carbohydrates, carbohydrates and saccharides are those organic molecules composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen that turn out to be the primary biological form of energy storage and consumption..

According to the number of molecules involved in their formation, we find different types of carbohydrates, monosaccharides (a single molecule), disaccharides (two molecules), oligosaccharides (from three to nine molecules) and polysaccharides (branched chains more than ten molecules).

The specific functions that contribute to our health

Although they perform a multiplicity of functions, the reserve of energy and the formation of structures are the two most important that embody, because glucose, immediately, will provide living organisms with the necessary energy to live, grow and develop, that is, it allows the traditional activity of the muscles, the maintenance of body temperature, blood pressure, the proper functioning of the intestine and neuronal activity.

Also, carbohydrates turn out to be a fundamental part of any dietFor example, it is assumed that between 55 and 60% of the daily energy that an organism needs must come from carbohydrates, either through the intake of foods rich in starch such as potatoes and pasta or from the reserves that the body accumulates, however, what a correct and balanced diet advises against is the abusive consumption of some carbohydrates such as sugar due to its highly oxidizing power that will accelerate cellular aging.

In any case, it is worth noting that the intake of fats and carbohydrates will demand the accompaniment of physical activity, because a sedentary posture combined with the recurrent intake of these foods will facilitate their poor metabolism.

So carbohydrates are essential and necessary in any diet along with proteins and fats and we can ingest them through pasta, rice, cereals, legumes, vegetables and fried foods, now, we must not abuse them as we explained especially from sugars and simple carbohydrates because they are a safe path to chronic diseases like diabetes and obesity

At this point it is important to stop because many demonize carbohydrates and blame them almost exclusively for being overweight or extra pounds that an individual may have, however, they are not the only ones responsible and as we just indicated, the ideal is always to deploy activities healthy physical elements that help to assimilate their consumption, because although, as we have already pointed out in detail, they are good for health, it is also important that they are satisfactorily synthesized so that the circle closes in the most perfect and healthy way possible.

You also have to be careful because many diets whose mission is to lose weight remove carbohydrates from the menus and this is not good either, the extremes are never correct and without a doubt it constitutes a very serious health problem because it can lead to fatigue and others affections

Typical Conditions that produce

It should also be mentioned that sometimes in digestion, the degradation of carbohydrates can be deficient as a result of an inherited intestinal disease, a disorder in the intestine, malnutrition or by the consumption in excess of drugs that damage the mucosa of the small intestine . For example, the carbohydrate not digested in a satisfactory way will reach the large intestine where it will produce what is known as osmotic diarrhea.

Industrial uses of carbohydrates

On the other hand, Carbohydrates are also very important in the manufacture of some products, such as fabrics, photographic films and plastics, among others.. On the other hand, nitrocellulose is used to make film films, cement, gunpowder and similar plastics.

Pectin and starch, two other carbohydrates par excellence, are used as curdling agents when making food for humans and animals.

Agar, which is the compound of some laxatives, is used to thicken food and for bacterial culture.

Meanwhile, cellulose can be made into paper products and viscose rayon, hemicellulose, is used to modify paper during its manufacture.

And heparin sulfate as a blood thinner, among others.

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