
definition of experience

The term of Experience is designated as that form of knowledge or ability, which can come from observation, from the experience of an event or from anything else that happens to us in life and that is plausible to leave a mark on us, for its importance or for its significance. Also, that skill or knowledge can arise thanks to the systematic practice in or of some question.

This type or form of knowledge, experiences, both human beings and animals, are acquired throughout their lives, being practically impossible that this situation does not occur at some point. The experience is a very important part of the life of any person and the one that ultimately allows someone to decide a fundamental issue in their life. Because always that event that happens to us and that leaves us a mark and a learning will be latent and present to appear when it is necessary to use it as a precedent to decide whether or not to proceed with an issue.

An experience always leaves an apprenticeship and whoever says otherwise is lying.

As time goes by, it will be said and it will effectively be so, a person will have and will acquire this type of knowledge known as experience each time, because the years, basically, are what will allow it to increase, expand and winning as well, since these experiences that are passing also tend to be decisive when it comes to having to repeat choices or not, because having passed them, that body of experiences that are stored in memory will help us when choosing or not such a path and also in the event of having to advise someone about what to do with an issue or how to act in the event of an unforeseen event, for example, among other issues.

The experience from the perspective of philosophy

Generally, the concept of experience refers to a procedural knowledge, that is, how to do this or that thing, instead of factual knowledge or what things are. In Philosophy, this type of knowledge based and forged exclusively through experience is usually treated as empirical knowledge or a posteriori knowledge. And also from her, more precisely from the philosophical hermeneutics, it is argued that experiences are possible if expectations are had, that is why she believes that the person with experience will not be the one who has accumulated the most experiences but rather the one who is capable of allowing them. .

And although this thought is very real, it is also true that as we mentioned before, age, without a doubt, will also mark the level of experience that this or that person presents.

Experience a path to wisdom

Because experience unfailingly leads to wisdom and although wisdom can be obtained after receiving a punishment, a challenge or having suffered any other issue that produces certain internal movements, approach those older people, who have already come a long way. way, it is the best way to acquire wisdom, the company of these will always be more profitable than that of the inexperienced.

Unfortunately, today, in our culture, the elderly are not usually vindicated for precisely that vast experience that the accumulated years have left them, but rather the opposite happens in some contexts and they are left aside because it is considered that they no longer serve , privileging young blood instead. While it is correct to think that for some activities you need jovial people who can display an energy that an older adult could not, this should also be balanced with the experience that an elderly person can bring. However, as we already said, today, it is very common for them to be rejected and put aside.

Oriental culture, it is worth noting, has traditionally been an exception to this we mentioned since it gives the elderly a place of privilege and recognition in society. He is encouraged to participate and is not relegated precisely because he recognizes the vast knowledge that the years left him and that he will be able to contribute so that new generations can learn from him.

As we already know, Westerners and Orientals differ on many issues and at this point in the recognition and award of the elderly, considering him wise, not because of what he knows about this or that subject but because of the experience accumulated over time, without Certainly there is a backward gulf of course for Western culture.

On the other hand, many times, the term experience is used as a synonym for experiment in scientific contexts.

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