
definition of motivation

Motivation is one of the most vital feelings that exist because they give us great energy. This feeling arises as a consequence of a high degree of involvement in the achievement of a goal that truly stimulates us. Generally, by pure natural law, we tend to feel more motivated when starting a new project than when we have been embarked on that adventure for a while.

For example, most professionals feel very involved during the first weeks in a new job while, over the months, their level of involvement can decrease if they do not receive the appropriate extrinsic motivation from the boss.

Motivation is an internal motor that connects mind and will in the achievement of an action plan that connects with an end that the person frequently visualizes to reaffirm himself / herself in the importance of carrying out that necessary effort.

External motivation

Motivation can be of different types. Extrinsic motivation is one that is produced by a factor external to ourselves. For example, in the work context, the congratulations that the boss sends to his team for having done a good job perfectly exemplify this type of external reinforcement that helps professionals feel more valued and become even more involved in the job. fulfillment of its functions. Another form of external motivation is the resource of the prize which is a form of compensation.

The favorable circumstances of life also feed our motivation since in these types of cases, we feel protected and cared for by destiny, as if everything was on our side to achieve that goal we yearn for.

Internal motivation

On the contrary, motivation can also be intrinsic. That is to say, it is born from within oneself. Without a doubt, this attitude is very important since while external motivation does not depend on yourself, on the contrary, motivating yourself through certain measures does depend on you.

As a sign of emotional intelligence to be happy, you should not take responsibility for what is not in your hands to decide (this is what happens when many people get frustrated and unmotivated because they are waiting for the recognition of others).

We can also feed our motivation through a coaching process in which the client specifies what their objective is, establishes a personalized action plan and increases their level of introspection to know what their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are in the achievement. of that challenge.

Motivational signs

Motivation is linked to positive thinking, a hopeful vision of the future, joy and the desire to move forward. On the contrary, demotivation is accompanied by boredom, frustration, negative thinking and the gray vision of tomorrow.

Motivation acquires meaning in any area of ​​life, not only on a professional level or in studies but also on a personal level. For example, when a person falls in love and is reciprocated, they feel much more motivated to take care of that relationship than when they suffer a relationship crisis. When we are happy and content we also feel much more involved in our own history than when we go through a chapter of sadness and pain.

It should be pointed out that in those purposes that are distant in time, it is normal to experience stages of a higher level of involvement that are interspersed with phases of possible demodification and apathy when observing that goal from a distance. When something is made to wait so long, the subject experiences doubts about whether or not they will be able to achieve that goal and even comes to wonder whether or not it is worth so much work.

This type of contradictory feelings are typical of the internal dialogue of a person who experiences the effort and does not immediately observe the results to their constancy. In this type of case, demotivation can be the result of fatigue. Therefore, in many cases, resting is the best measure to regain motivation and to look again at the situation with a constructive perspective. For there to be motivation, there needs to be a goal that connects with your heart by bringing light to your life (even briefly).

Photos: iStock - djiledesign / vgajic

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