
field definition

The word countryside It is a term that is widely used in our language and that appears in various contexts expressing various issues.

One of the most recurrent uses of this word is to refer to that large land that does not have any construction, which is located on the outskirts of the urban area and is normally used for cultivating and sowing, or failing that, to give pasture to the cattle that show themselves. For example, it is a concept widely used at the request of the farming.

Due to these characteristics of not presenting buildings, being far from the city and the abundance of green space, the concept of the countryside is normally used in contrast to that of the city or urban center.

On the other hand, the word field is used to refer to that land that is reserved for carrying out certain activities.

At sportIt is also a term widely used to refer to various issues. TO that property, place, specially prepared to deploy the practice of some sport it is designated as a field. Also, in sports like soccer, to court, field of play, in which the teams face each other is called as field.

In the field military It is common to find the word since it is used to designate the terrain occupied by the troops in the framework of a warlike confrontation.

Another fairly common use that we give to the word is as a synonym for ambit, that is, to refer to the scope of an activity.

To the set of topics, ideas, matters that exist about a discipline we usually call it field. In the field of philosophy it is a very approached topic.

At the behest of the physical, we also find a particular reference, because it is about the space in which actions take place between the particles.

And in the optics, the field is called space occupied by the optical instrument, such is the case of a microscope.

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