
definition of philosopher

The philosopher is that individual who is professionally dedicated to philosophy, although the same term is also used to refer to that pHe is a person fond of philosophy and therefore to philosophize about various topics.

Meanwhile, the philosophy consists of the study of thought and the justification of beliefs, that is, that philosophizing implies think and reason about the world around usMeanwhile, in that constant inquiry that philosophy carries out, it must be nourished by other sciences and disciplines, such is the case of science and theology.

Philosophy is considered the most human task that exists because it is born from universal human knowledge and from an attitude of reflective contemplation of the individual; philosophizing is an intrinsically human act.

Among the most recurrent themes within the philosophies, the following stand out: knowledge, existence, being and value.

Then, the philosopher, as such, will seek knowledge for its own sake, above all things and without a pragmatic purpose. The philosopher is moved curiosity and in that order he will begin to inquire about the last foundations of reality itself.

Through the history of philosophy, an enormous number of philosophers have passed through, belonging to different currents, but who have known how to stand out in the field, among others: Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Francis Bacon, Epicurus of Samos, Michel Foucault, Gorgias, Hegel, Heraclitus, Martin Heidegger, Plato, Immanuel Kant, Karl Marx, José Ortega y Gasset, Parmenides, Pythagoras, Jean-Paul Sartre, Socrates, Tales and Miguel de Unamuno.

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