
definition of social environment

People are not born out of nowhere or in an alien ship and after that we are deposited in a house where we develop and everything happens automatically. None of that, that can only happen in a science fiction movie and not in reality itself.

Human beings are born with a previous social framework that is formally called social environment and it is in him that we will develop and grow, and also in which we will live the rest of our lives.

Normally the social environment of an individual is determined by what his parents have prior to his birth and it will be this that will mark the pulse of his life condition at all levels, especially in the first years of his existence that depend almost on a one hundred percent of their parents. Then, it can be modified or expanded depending on various personal and work circumstances.

In it we can include: the socio-economic level of the family, the income received, the work that mom and dad do, the cultural and educational level and all the people with whom they interact, whether they are family, friends, co-workers, among others.

Social environments will inevitably influence the development and growth of the individual and can also be confirmed in some cases and in others, they can be modified or eliminated.

Now, and consequently with the above, we must point out that not all people have the same social environment and this is because simply and simply not all of us come from or have the same social origin.

Traditionally, the lower the economic income, the educational and cultural level of a person, the lower their chances of progress. And on the contrary, the better economic position someone has, the better they usually do in life in terms of chances and opportunities.

Thus, an individual who grows and develops in a social environment in which low resources and opportunities prevail will have more complications to advance in life and will also be much more vulnerable when it comes to suffering from diseases, opting for crime as livelihood, among other scourges.

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