
definition of fitness

The term fitness has two different but related meanings. The first definition that we can give of fitness is one that refers to the general state of well-being and physical health achieved not only from the development of a healthy life but also, and mainly, from continuous and sustained exercise over time. The second meaning of the word is the one that indicates the type of physical activities normally understood as 'fitness' and that are generally carried out in specific sports spaces.

The word fitness comes from the English language and means "well-being" (fit = healthy, healthy). In this way, fitness is to achieve that state of general well-being mainly from the development of a physical activity whose main objective is to strengthen the body and muscles, limit the proportion of fat in the body and, in most cases, allow calorie or energy consumption. To get closer to that state of well-being, it is extremely important to maintain the level of exercise over time so as not to lose the results and even intensify them. It is interesting to note here that the state of well-being varies according to the times and what we consider as such today was not always like this (before a body with a greater presence of fat and less worked is preferable).

At the same time, the word fitness can refer to the type of exercises that are normally related to that specific state of well-being. In this way, the current popularized state of fitness is one that is achieved from aerobic activities of various kinds, from sports such as tennis, football, swimming, hockey, racing, etc. At the same time, fitness as a set of exercises or physical activities bases its form almost mainly on the activities that can be performed in spaces known as gyms: weights, muscle exercises, abdominals, stretching and others. For this, gyms have a varied number of devices and tools to develop and achieve the expected results.

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