
definition of satisfaction

The concept that concerns us has a recurring use in our language, and depending on the context in which it is used, the word satisfaction will refer various questions.

Taste or pleasure that someone or something produces

One of the most widespread uses of the term is that which refers taste, pleasure or joy that an individual experiences, feels, for something or someone.

Seeing how your business thrives day by day is your utmost satisfaction.”

"Eating a chocolate bar every night is satisfying."

When someone feels satisfaction for something done, fulfilling their expectations, desires, objectives, among others, they will inevitably feel a gratification.

The happiness of the duty accomplished as it is popularly said.

The impact of satisfaction on the brain

Satisfaction is a state of mind, generated by a greater or lesser, as appropriate, optimization of the brain feedback, by which the different brain areas compensate the energy potential giving a feeling of fullness, while the lesser or greater feeling of satisfaction that someone presents will depend on the optimization of the energy consumption carried out by the brain, that is, the greater the greater the neurotransmitter capacity, the greater the possibility of satisfaction.

If the aforementioned optimization is not achieved, dissatisfaction will develop and the individual will immediately begin to feel restlessness and dissatisfaction as a consequence of it.

If satisfaction is accompanied by the rational assurance of having done what was within our power, and above all with a degree of success, such a situation will contribute to sustaining the harmonious state as far as mental functioning is concerned.

On the other hand, we must say that satisfaction has a large share of subjectivity because basically people are all different and we will not feel the same satisfaction when obtaining the same results.

There are people who, due to their personal characteristics, settle down and accept to keep what they have and are happy with it, while there are others who are more demanding or less conformist and then they always want more and more, and many times it happens that they are never satisfied .

This type of person tends to be more saddened and complaining, while those who rejoice with the achievement of little things tend to be more optimistic and happy.

The other side of this sense of the concept is the displeasure that will imply the discontent or displeasure that something or someone provokes in you.

Mode by which a grievance is repaired

Another use of the term satisfaction refers to the action or mode by which an offense or damage will be repaired.

I will demand satisfaction for the bad time they put me through at the celebration, I didn't deserve it.”

That is to say, this sense of the term, although it is not as widely used as the one we have mentioned above, also allows us to express the idea of ​​compensation, reward, compensation, in the face of suffering damage or injury. For example, it can be used as synonyms for these terms.

The opposite concept of this sense is that of debt, which is that amount that is owed or the obligation that is maintained with another.

Fulfillment of a need

Likewise, satisfaction implies the fulfillment of a need, desire or passion.

I'll be able to satisfy my thirst when you hand me a drink. You don't know the satisfaction it gives me to see you.”

And in this case the other side will be non-compliance, which is the lack of compliance with commitments, etc.

Famous Rolling Stones song

And also Satisfaction is the title in Spanish that you receive Satisfaction, one of the most popular songs by the English rock group The Rolling Stones.

It is one of the "anthems" of this world-famous group and that to this day is still valid and active.

It was composed by the two leaders of the group, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards , in 1965. The lyrics speak of the constant dissatisfaction that a teenager feels, despite carrying out different actions to counteract it.

Despite the enormous number of songs that the group has generated, over so many decades, composing and publishing many albums, Satisfaction, is undoubtedly one of the themes that are never lacking in their live performances because the fans always ask for it, and of course, they always want to satisfy them ...

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