
definition of population

When it is pronounced in contexts such as sociological, the term population refers to the set of people who live in a given geographical area and whose number is calculated at the request of a statistical evaluation. On the other hand, in biological terms, a population will be the set of individuals belonging to the same species and living in the same geographical area.

Although of course, the most popular use of the term population is that which says that population is the set of people who inhabit planet earth or any division of it.

When it comes to populations exclusively integrated by humans, demography will be the discipline that is in charge of their statistical study, generally, this type of study is governed by the laws of probability and the conclusions may not be general and applicable to all individuals.

There are three theories, each with a different motivation, that try to explain the reason for the increase in population in some countries of the world.

Biological theory, for example, holds that man is like any living being, unable to control his growth in numbers. Opposing this we find the cultural theory that proposes that man, being a rational being, controls demographic growth and that then he knows how to use various criteria. A clear example of this issue is what has happened in China as a result of the tremendous population increase that occurred and that then, the government decided to stop it by imposing that each family be able to father only one child.

And finally we find the economic theory that is closely linked to the postulates of Marxism and maintains that population growth is due exclusively to the result of the demand for work.

Population density is the total number of individuals that populate a certain geographical area and it can be found by dividing the total number of inhabitants by the area in which they live.. Generally, the countries with the highest population density are those known as micro states such as Monaco, Singapore, the Vatican City and Malta.

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