
definition of labor law

Also known as Labor Law, Labor Law is one of the most relevant branches of law at the social level. This is so since the set of laws, regulations and legislations that compose it make Labor Law one of the rights that have the greatest impact on the quality of life of the population. We can say that Labor Law, as its name says, is one that is responsible for regulating, controlling and legislating on different issues related to the world of work such as the rights and obligations of the parts that make up the world of work ( both employees and employers), the payment and remuneration conditions, the services that must be included in the payment, etc.

In this particular case, we can speak of Labor Law as one of the most recent types of law, the one that emerged only when Western societies had already reached significant levels of industrialization and with it large levels of employment. The generation of the phenomenon of working masses, as well as their struggle to conquer rights that are now undeniable are foundations for the establishment of Labor Law, which also supposes a greater presence of the State in the complex network of labor relations (previously linked to the fate of the market). .

Labor Law understands by this activity any action that has the purpose of generating some type of product or service, that requires the effort, energy, capacity and preparation of an individual and that generates some type of remuneration, either in the form of money or payment for work done.

Some of the most important issues or problems that Labor Law deals with have to do with the rights that are recognized to workers: vacations and paid leave, the right to strike, to form unions, to collective bargaining. . Thus, Labor Law focuses not only on the private or individual ties that are established between the employee and the employer, but also on the collective ties that relate all workers to each other and to the world of employers.

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