
definition of qualifying adjective

The adjective is a grammatical element whose main function is accompany a noun in a sentence to limit or complete its reference. Normally it can precede or precede it and they always coincide in terms of number (plural or singular) and gender (masculine or feminine).

There are a variety of adjectives that are typified according to the function they play in relation to the noun they accompany, while below we will deal with one of the types of adjectives that we use the most in our conversations and writings, qualifying adjectives.

In the precise case of the qualifying adjectives, they are the ones in charge par excellence when it comes to indicate the characteristics or qualities that the noun they escort has.

Now, the aforementioned characteristics may be abstract, or failing that, concrete, that is, loaded with subjectivity since they depend on the perception of the subject who appreciates or observes the noun in question (it was a splendid party), or perceptible to our senses (the table is red), respectively.

Also, and as with all adjectives, the qualifying adjective always matches in number and gender with the noun. A) Yes: Girls are very funny. Juan is beautiful.

Meanwhile, within the qualifying adjectives we can make the distinction between two types. On the one hand, the specific qualifying adjectives, whose function is to indicate a quality that the noun presents and that will differentiate it from the rest: I bought a totally different book from all the ones I have read so far.

And on the other hand there are explanatory qualifying adjectives that are concerned with indicating a characteristic of the noun they accompany. How cold it is in the winter.

Then, thanks to the qualifying adjectives, we will be able to manifest and account for the inherent characteristics of a noun or one of its most distinctive qualities.

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