
what is lgtb »definition and concept

The acronym LGTB stands for lesbians, gays, transsexuals and bisexuals. Each of these groups has its own sexual identity and lesbians have sexual attraction to women, gays to men, transsexuals are those who acquire the physical characteristics of the opposite sex and bisexuals have sexual desire for men or women indistinctly . Despite the uniqueness of each group, they all share some elements in common: they have historically been rejected and persecuted, they claim a more tolerant attitude towards them on the part of society as a whole and they try to make the laws recognize their rights. For this reason, we speak of a general community such as LGTB.

Two opposing attitudes towards the LGTB community

From a global perspective, it is possible to speak of two different approaches to the LGTB community. On the one hand, there are countries where these people are integrated into society and their civil rights are recognized (for example, same-sex marriage or the right to adoption). On the other side of the coin, some sectors of society and certain cultural traditions reject the LGTB collective, and they may be imprisoned or severely punished for their sexual tendencies.

What does an LGTB association do?

There are LGTB associations all over the world; in some cases they are recognized and in others they are marginalized or directly in hiding

In any case, they usually carry out a series of actions:

- They carry out information campaigns to promote tolerance towards them.

- They denounce homophobic attitudes and discrimination towards them.

- They set up activities and services in which the group can express their concerns and claims (discussion forums, legal and psychological advice, etc).

- They spread information about the HIV virus to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

- They express their concerns in a festive and playful way (for example, on the day of LGBT pride).

The LGTB collective has been mistreated throughout history

At present, the LGTB community is integrating normally in society. However, throughout history it has suffered all kinds of persecutions. We must not forget that they have been considered sick, perverted, strange, sinful, contrary to morality and good customs and, ultimately, throughout the history of humanity this group has lived in marginality and under oppression. As an example, it should be remembered that in Spain during the Franco regime, homosexuals could be imprisoned, since the Spanish penal code applied the "law of vagrants and crooks" to them, a law that did not punish crimes but rather condemned someone for considering them a danger to society.

Photos: iStock - mangostock / wrangel

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