
definition of labor relations

It is known as labor relations to the bond that is established between two or more people in the workplace or at work. Labor relations are those that are generated between the one who offers his workforce (either physical or mental) and the one who offers the capital or the means of production for the first person to carry out the task (an example of this would be the employee of an office and the owner or boss who grants him the workspace plus all the necessary resources to carry out the task).

One of the most distinctive characteristics of labor relations is that they are usually unbalanced in the sense that there is always someone in them who has the power to start or end them at their convenience, and that person is the one who hires the employee or who provides the means of production so that he can work. In many cases, labor relations become problematic when the employer uses that power to its advantage in an exaggerated way to carry out mistreatment or labor abuse practices.

Labor relations have several elements that organize them universally. On the one hand, one of the most important elements of any employment relationship is the salary or payment that the person will receive for their work. The amount of the salary can be universally imposed (for example, for a specific activity it is known that the agreed minimum must be so much money) or it can vary depending on specific circumstances (if the worker is self-employed, if the work is temporary, if it is hourly, if overtime is paid, etc.). In general, the State is responsible for establishing policies that respect the rights of workers in both the public and private spheres, and although it is known that the public spheres are more stable in this regard, the private spheres can also be controlled. For the state.

Another important issue in the field of labor relations is the contract, although it does not exist universally or historically because for a long time labor relations were established (and continue to be established) based on the word of the people involved. The contract is the document in which the working conditions, the type of task to be carried out, the type of payment and other types of added arrangements that can be made (for example, adjusting the salary in case of inflation periods or due to increased tasks). The contract is the most important legal part of labor relations and must be respected by both parties.

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