
definition of security

Safety is the feeling of protection against deficiencies and external dangers that negatively affect the quality of life; insofar as a feeling is referred to, the criteria for determining the degrees of security will sin of having some degree of subjectivity. Usually, the term is usually used to refer to the set of measures and public policies implemented to protect the population from suffering crimes, especially those that put physical integrity at risk.

The first aspect to take into account when analyzing the security levels of a given community is usually the legal framework that sets the guidelines for coexistence., serves to arbitrate in conflicts and stipulates punishments for transgressors. In this sense, the laws must be updated to consider the problems that the historical moment poses. The importance of time and place is fundamentally based on the need for security and its regulatory laws to be adapted to the social context. Thus, in some nations of the world, for cultural or traditional reasons, some crimes are considered more serious than others, so the security measures implemented cannot be extrapolated to other countries. On the other hand, in some latitudes certain actions are considered crimes, while in other regions the same acts do not constitute a violation of the law.

The second aspect to consider is the correct implementation of the aforementioned laws.. It is useless to have a legal system developed and adapted to the needs of the population if the resources for its correct implementation are lacking. This point covers the arrest of offenders, the fluidity of the processing for the evaluation of crimes, the observance in the application of sanctions, etc. In short, reference is made to the provisions for the specific application of the laws. In the principle that many lawyers call "dead letter", there are sometimes regulations of an excellent technical and theoretical level, which, however, are not feasible at the time of their implementation. In this sense, the forensic investigation procedures stand out, of key importance in security policies, which are not usually implemented in the correct and adequate way, with unusual delays in the resolution of numerous direct episodes.

So far we have exposed the legal contemplation of the security problem. Nevertheless, the most important measures to stimulate the feeling of protection are those that try to guarantee a decent standard of living for all. In this way, decisions that seek to achieve a better distribution of income, guarantee an accessible health system, provide education, etc., are of fundamental importance. Indeed, the visible criminal level decreases to the extent that social integration is guaranteed to all, or at least there are measures that are oriented in this sense, insofar as it tends to a more just society. Not for nothing is there a correlation between a better standard of living and a decrease in crime, while the opposite phenomenon is observed in all the countries of the world. Similarly, social asymmetries in large urban centers (strata with very high incomes and large groups of people with unsatisfied basic needs) are associated with greater inequality and, with it, with higher crime rates.

Finally, the use of illicit substances has become an unbalancing factor in terms of safety. Thus, both with the goal of obtaining higher doses of these products and in order to disinhibit behaviors to overcome fears or ethical or moral limitations, the consumption of cocaine, cannabinoids or lower quality derivatives of these substances generally motivates lack of security of greater violence or with more serious results.

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