
definition of bartender

Individual whose job it is to serve customers who consume drinks and other beverages at a bar counter

Bartender is a term that originally comes from the English language, although its use has certainly become widespread and popular in our Spanish language, which is practically already used as its own to refer to that individual whose job is to serve customers who consume in the bar of a bar, canteen, restaurant, brewery, among other places that usually have this worker.

That is to say, the bartender's job is only reduced to the attention to the public that approaches the bar to consume drinks, which he especially prepares, although he also usually serves some type of food or simpler food such as sandwiches or snacks.

Creation of drinks

Now, the bartender's job is not reduced to serving what the customer asks for, but in reality it is an activity that requires good preparation and knowledge about the various types of alcoholic beverages and their alcoholic graduations, to later combine some of them in the creation of special and unique drinks.

By the way, there is around this activity a great amount of creativity put at the service of the creation of drinks, even many of the most popular drinks are the consequence of the creation of a bartender.

Although the client asks the bartender for alcoholic beverages for very popular consumption such as beer, whiskey, wine, gin, vodka, among others, what is most demanded of this worker is that through the shaker he creates drinks that combine various alcoholic beverages, and even, in some cases, even fruits are added to them.

A bar showman

Many bartenders know how to make a real show of their work, adding music and choreography while preparing drinks.

Now, we must also highlight that although the concept is mostly associated with those who work in bars or dance venues and serve alcoholic beverages, the bartender can also serve other drinks at the bar of a bar, such as coffee, tea and soft drinks. .

We must say then that the widespread use of this word has taken away the prominence of the autochthonous such as: waiter, bartender, waiter, among the most common.

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