
what is post mortem »definition and concept

Post-mortem Latinism, whose literal meaning is after death, is used to refer to the medical examination of corpses in order to obtain relevant information about the causes and circumstances of an individual's death.

Examination of a corpse

Forensic medicine is the only branch in which the medical professional does not attempt to restore the health of the patient.

Beyond the information to determine what caused the death, a forensic doctor has a wide range of responsibilities: cooperating with the justice and criminal investigation, investigating the possible professional responsibility of doctors in relation to a death, studying human remains in the field of forensic anthropology or knowing the DNA of a corpse for some purpose, for example to determine paternity.

The forensic doctor performs a detailed post-mortem examination, in which it is necessary to collect very specific information: the rigor mortis of the corpse, its body temperature, parasitism on the skin, etc. On the other hand, the nurses deal with the so-called post-mortem care with the intention of preparing the corpse and caring for the relatives of the deceased.

The anatomical examination of a corpse, popularly known as an autopsy, is normally carried out in cases of violent death or when there are reasonable indications of a criminal act

From a historical point of view, the first post-mortem examinations of forensic medicine took place 3000 BC. C in the context of Egyptian civilization, where researchers have found evidence that reveals links between medicine and law.

Other Latinisms of everyday language

In addition to post-mortem Latinism, there are others that also have a certain relationship with circumstances near death, such as corpore insepulto, corpus delicti or nasciturs. There are many Latinisms that we use in communication. Thus, the official hours are divided into ante merídiem and post meridiem, better known by their acronyms am and pm. At the university level, we speak of campus, honoris causa, lecture hall or alma mater.

In legal terminology there are numerous Latin expressions and the same happens with the taxonomy used in the classification of living beings. Likewise, in everyday communication expressions such as ipso facto, lapsus, motu proprio, per se, rictus, quorum, snob and many others are used. Ultimately, Latin is a dead language that is in very good health.

Photo: Fotolia - oocoskun

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