
definition of allege

The word plead has various uses in our language, we normally apply it when we mention, evoke, some fact, comment, situation, at the behest of a conversation, with the mission of erecting it as a proof, a demonstration or as the defense of something.

Mention a fact that is used as proof or defense of something

The building administrator claimed not to have received my deposit slip and therefore did not charge the payment of the expenses.”

Manifestation of the merits or conditions of something or someone

On the other hand, the word allege allows us to express the exposure that someone makes regarding the merits, conditions or service provided by an individual or a company and that in some way they will be fundamental when choosing that person or company in moments of a decision. "Laura alleged the conditions that her sister has to be hired.”

Law: speech that lawyers present before the judge or court in which they argue the defense or guilt of someone

Meanwhile, in the field of Right the word allege has a special presence since through it the typical action carried out by a lawyer in which he cites laws, causes or motivations in defense of his client or the cause he defends. “The defense alleged that the murder occurred in self-defense.”

At the behest of the trials, more precisely reaching their culmination, the parties' lawyers present the arguments, which constitute a fundamental part of the process that is being developed.

They are in charge of the lawyers

It should be noted that the aforementioned action of alleging carried out by lawyers is known in the jargon as allegation.

Basically, the plea consists of a speech in which various arguments are presented, either for or against another, depending on the position of the lawyer, defense or accusing party.

According to the uses and customs, after the allegations, the judge or court is responsible for issuing the sentence in the case.

The lawyers and prosecutors, based on the evidence present, will provide their claims through the plea for the judge to decide, either by giving rise to them or by dismissing them.

For this matter is that they are attributed an outstanding value because the allegations are capable of influencing the final decision of a magistrate.

In criminal proceedings, allegations can be presented in writing or orally and consist of the presentation of evidence, either accusatory or defense of the accused.

The accusing party shall present before the judge or court the evidence that it has and that shows that the accused is guilty of the acts charged against him.

And for its part, the defense party will use the arguments, evidence and reasoning that exonerate the defendant from the position.

This part of the process is characterized by being charged with emotionality, even the lawyers try to attribute it to achieve moving the jury, in case the trial is by jury, or the judges.

The allegations have a certainly long use in law, since the Roman culture used them extensively.

Now, it is worth indicating that although this word has a special presence in the field of law, its use has also become popular in everyday language and then it is likely that we use it in any situation in which a person or group spills arguments for or against someone or something.

When people want to defend or oppose things or ideas, defense of the environment, education, abortion, or oppose the cutting of social funds by the state, the allegations are used.

Beyond the context and the objective pursued by a plea, it is essential that they be expressed through clear, precise words, that do not give rise to confusion and that they are not too long so that the people who listen to them do not get lost in a volley of words, because it will be lost in the matter of finality, you have to go straight to the point with the allegations.

Among the synonyms used at the instance of this word are those of adduce and manifest, meanwhile, as a contradictory concept we can cite that of skip that refers to keeping silent about something that is known voluntarily.

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