
definition of court

The word court allows to designate the physical place in which judges and magistrates exercise their function of doing justice, although, also, the word is used to refer to the set of judges and ministers who exercise justice, that is, those professionals trained in law and who have the responsibility of administering justice because they have been chosen to do so.

These professionals make up what is known as the Judiciary, at the request of countries that have democratic systems of government and the division of powers.

Place where judges follow judicial processes and pass judgment, and set of judges who administer justice

It is essential to guarantee the rule of law that the three powers, and especially the judicial one, are independent and are not subject to or pressured by the other two powers of the state.

The main defendant in the case gives evidence in court the day after tomorrow. The relatives of the accused and the victim got into a tough fight in court while the trial unfolded.

In the courts all those issues that people, companies, organizations or the state itself claim from another party are settled.

So they are normally divided according to the matter they attend: criminal, civil, contentious-administrative, commercial, labor.

In court, and the court that is in charge of the case, will be responsible for issuing a judgment on the case presented once all the pertinent presentations have taken place.

The judgments of the courts can be appealed by the intervening parties, the accused and the victims, in higher instances.

The court, the supreme court of justice

The highest court is represented by the Supreme Court of Justice, considered the highest court of justice in any nation, which may appear to be called in various ways.

The decision made by this court cannot be appealed, being the last instance, per case, it is that the rulings of this court are usually attributed great relevance because they determine the final fate of a judicial case and set precedents.

In the case of the Argentine Republic, for example, the Supreme Court is the highest body in charge of dispensing justice in Argentina.

Its operation is regulated in the National Constitution and the members that compose it will be elected by the President of the Nation but must have the agreement of the National Senate. That is, the executive proposes the candidates who will later be approved or not by the Senate.

It is currently made up of five members, two of whom were admitted in 2016, appointed by President Mauricio Macri and endorsed by the Senate body.

Generally, the concept is linked to two other similar ones: court and court, since these are the public bodies in charge of solving judicial matters.

Court classes

There are different types of courts: depending on how they are composed: unipersonal (resolutions are issued by a single judge) and collegiate (a plurality of judges make the final decision); according to the nature they present: ordinary (whatever their actor or nature, they respond to all matters that are under their jurisdiction), specials (established by the Constitution in extraordinary circumstances) and arbitration (the judges who understand are not public officials); according to the phase of the procedure in which they have to intervene: training (corresponds to all the preparatory proceedings of the trial) and sentencing (After receiving the evidentiary action, they are the ones who dictate sentence); according to their hierarchy: lower (within the system they occupy the lowest grade) and superior (in the system they occupy the highest grade); according to your competition: of common or mixed competition (they understand all kinds of matters) and special competition (They have jurisdiction in certain matters and exclude others) and according to the instance in which they know: single-instance, first-instance and second-instance or courts of appeal.

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