
definition of rewind

The word rewind is used in our language to designate that action that consists of unwinding a magnetic tape or a coil film and winding it on another or also designates the action of winding the thread of a coil.

A concept associated with cassettes and videocassettes

Now, we must indicate that the concept is mainly linked to the action of turning back the tape of a cassette or a videocassette. Today both have become obsolete because they were devastated by the new proposals brought by new technologies, however, a few years ago, in the eighties and nineties it was a super popular concept given the presence of these elements in our daily lives. .

Go back

Audio reproduction equipment and VCRs had precisely a command that allowed you to choose the option to rewind, or rewind in English, to precisely go backwards on the tape that was being listened to or viewed. If you were listening to a cassette and you wanted to listen to the first track on it again, you had to press the rewind key on the stereo until the tape was completely rewound, meanwhile some devices allowed the option of rewinding by tracks and then the key would jump when the beginning of a song was reached.

And with VCRs, more or less the same thing happened, you had to play the rewind key to move the tape you were watching back to the beginning or to some stretch.

As we said above, this concept fell into disuse due to the advanced technologies such as DVD and CD, in any case, its use has penetrated so deeply in the popular collective that even today many people who lived the time cassettes and videocassettes and the famous rewind or rewind, they continue to use it when they want to indicate that the CD that is being listened to or the DVD that is being watched is delayed.

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